Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Quiz Night Part III

Well I had my Quiz Night on Tuesday 25th March.

I created 8 rounds which ranged from general knowledge to music and from geography to history, including a round on Cuba!
I think everyone enjoyed themselves, there was a lot of laughter during the evening and everyone had a lot of fun.

Thanks to everyone that took part. The quiz night and the raffle for the Swans tickets brought my total for the evening to £180 so thank you very much to everyone for their generosity.

I'd also like to say a well done to everyone. On the night every team won a prize, either in the raffle or as part of the quiz night and I'd also like to say a particular well done to Rob for winning the Swans tickets, there was a lot of interest in that event, so well done for winning the prize :-)

The Forge Fach Community Centre deserve a particular thank you for allowing me to hold the event there as well as providing refreshments for the participators. Thank you for being so welcoming and helpful and I'd recommend their centre to anyone looking for a venue!

Possibly the next event will be a sponsored walk! Just waiting for the weather to brighten up a bit first ;-)

In the meantime I'll be holding car boot sales just about every weekend to try to raise the funds that way. If anyone has anything that they'd like to donate towards these boot sales please get in touch and I'll come and pick it up! (unless it's in France or Germany, in which case, I won't :p)



Knittynutter said...

im a fellow cuba rider, and found you blog, im going on first ride.
well done on the quiz night it sounds like a great night well done,

Catherine said...

Thanks for leaving a comment :)
Good luck with your fundraising and training
Cath x