Thursday, 21 February 2008

Quiz Night!

Well, with the treasure hunt now completed I began to think about what I could do next, some ideas included a sponsored abseil with a few friends, a bag packing day at a local supermarket or a curry night.
I was having a think about which could easily be sorted out when through my door came a lovely letter from the Management Company at the Liberty Stadium in Swansea. They have kindly donated two premier club tickets!

So I began to think about how I could really promote these tickets as well as some beautiful designer jewellery that I have had donated from CarrieElsbeth, and came up with the idea of combining an auction with a quiz night.

To help with this auction I have also had donations from Luisa Arianna (who has kindly donated some aromatherapy oils) and also La Tasca Spanish Tapas Bar and Restaurant, who have also donated.

So, the plan is to have a quiz night towards the end of March, and to have an auction to correspond.
Every penny will go towards the fundraising for Women for Women!

More information to follow.

Catherine x

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